Girls Lead Club (GLC)

To encourage enrollment and school retention of girls, REWOCAM took time to create Girls Lead Clubs in secondary schools in rural secondary schools. These clubs are operating within the school campuses and in village community halls during crisis and holiday periods. The objective of these clubs is to educate girls on the importance of education, teach them their sexual and reproductive health rights, furnish them with leadership skills, train them on public speaking, and counseling those who are going through traumatic experiences like rape, early marriage, etc. Each club day, one income generating activity is taught to the girls – the activities centered on beading, embroidery, baking and general dough making etc. During these bonding periods, the girls do not only gain new knowledge, they build strong networks which helps in fostering their development.
Support the creation of Girls Lead Club in one school at $300 per year. All donations made to REWOCAM are matched 1:1 (doubled) by Global Pearls, Inc, USA and sent to us 100%.