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 Rescue Women – Cameroon is a women-led organization that is working to provide women and girls with opportunities to succeed, grow and thrive as leaders through a holistic education and socio-economic empowerment programs

Welcome to REWOCAM!

“We all have our unique stories – use your story as a foundation to find lasting solutions to the never ending social problems. I am doing it as a rape survivor, you too can!”

~~Nakinti Besumbu Nofuru,

~~Founder & CEO of Rescue Women – Cameroon (REWOCAM

Rescue Women – Cameroon (REWOCAM) is a women’s led and women’s Centered NGO founded in 2013 and registered 1n 2016 with registration number REG.No. 03/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS. We are generally working within Cameroon to empower rural and urban poor, disadvantaged, marginalized and vulnerable women and girls. We do as well extend our work across national boundary where we work to support Cameroonian female refugees living at the Adagom Refugee settlement, Ogoja, Nigeria. REWOCAM began its operation in 2013 by offering 100% education scholarship to girls in hard-to-reach village communities in Cameroon with the objective of scaling girl child education for rural poor. Working closely with the rural poor women and girls in the hinterlands, we were drawn to the numerous problems that women, in general, face in their different communities and this expanded the course of our work. Over the years, we moved from education support to support in the domains of livelihood, income generating activities, interest-free loans, skills training, health care (maternal mortality, delivery kits provision), food supplies etc. The problems just kept rising and our interventions kept expanding.

Today and for the past three (03) years, we have focused over 70% of our energy and resources in fighting sexual and gender-based violence directed at women and girls, with a special interest in the fight against rape. For three years in a row, we have been organizing annual programs that brings together children aged 5-15 during summer holidays to educate them on child rape in a program called “Girls Against Rape” and “Boys Against Rape” (GAR & BAR) Camps. Also, alongside the children’s programs, we bring together parents (mothers especially) in a series of conferences and workshops to educated them on the need for them to accompany their children in the fight against rape in a program that we title “Mothers in the Fight Against Rape” (MOFAR). We equally organize annual conferences where we bring rape survivors together in a safe space for four days to foster healing through storytelling, strategizing on fighting rape and funding their group projects in a program titled “Survivor Voices Against Rape” (SUVAR). We do create school clubs in primary and secondary schools called “Girls/Boys Against Rape” clubs to keep the education against rape going. For the past three years, we have uninterruptedly implemented these rape projects using a multidimensional approach that captures different segments and populations of our society. Interestingly, we have funded 7 projects designed and implemented by survivors who attend our SUVAR programs. We keep looking for ways to intensify the fight.

Our innovative programs and projects are managed by a team of experienced, dedicated and professional local and international staff and volunteers who value humanitarianism, development and women’s empowerment. We are open for partnerships with service providers and funding bodies from around the world who would want to help us scale our impact.



REWOCAM appreciates the following partners who have trusted us with their funds: